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Book Presentation: "Where Angels Come to Earth" by Vincenzo Pietropaolo and Mark Frutkin, Foreword by Ken Greenberg
6:30 PM18:30

Book Presentation: "Where Angels Come to Earth" by Vincenzo Pietropaolo and Mark Frutkin, Foreword by Ken Greenberg

The Istituto Italiano di Cultura is pleased to support the launch of the book "Where Angels Come To Earth: An Evocation of the Italian Piazza", by Vincenzo Pietropaolo and Mark Frutkin.

The presentation will be moderated by Professor Don Snyder (Ryerson University), M.A., Photographic Studies, Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont /B.A., History of Music, Yale University.

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7:30 PM19:30

North Toronto Historical Society: Toronto Reborn

Toronto is going through a remarkable growth spurt and becoming more and more diverse. Ken Greenberg, urban designer, writer, and former Director of Urban Design and Architecture for the City of Toronto, will describe the emerging contours of a new Toronto.

There is no registration/fee required and everyone is welcome.

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La Ville de Québec - Ville Inclusive
to Jun 14

La Ville de Québec - Ville Inclusive

  • Google Calendar ICS

La Ville de Québec lance les inscriptions pour le Forum sur l’habitation qui aura lieu du 12 au 14 juin au Centre de foires. Elle annonce du même coup la programmation de ce grand rendez-vous, qui constitue une des étapes importantes de l’élaboration de la nouvelle Vision de l’habitation qui sera dévoilée à l’automne.

Jeudi 13 juin – Ville inclusive

M. Lance Freeman (Université Columbia, New York)

M. Bernard Blanc (Aquitanis, Office public de l’habitat, Bordeaux)

M. Ken Greenberg (Greenberg Consultants, Toronto)

M. Claude Foster (OMHQ)

M. Jean Morency (Société de développement Eximm)

M. Benoît Côté (PECH; Direction de santé publique)

Les frais sont de 20 $ par jour ou de 50 $ pour les trois jours (dîner inclus). Il sera également possible de suivre en direct les conférences et les panels grâce à la webdiffusion. Les citoyens qui désirent soumettre une idée ou déposer un mémoire peuvent également le faire en se rendant sur la page Web du Forum.

Register here.

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Ryerson City Building Institute presents Toronto, Interrupted
9:00 AM09:00

Ryerson City Building Institute presents Toronto, Interrupted

Urban designer Ken Greenberg, co-founder of Ryerson CBI, is soon to launch his latest book, Toronto Reborn, which tells the tale of Toronto’s transformation into a vibrant, modern and inclusive metropolis.

However, at the time of its publishing, policy shifts and dramatic budget cuts made by the Ontario government may be interrupting the trajectory of our city, possibly setting back the gains of recent decades.

On June 5, at 9 AM, we are pleased to present “Toronto, Interrupted,” a conversation with Greenberg and a panel of Toronto experts, sponsored by Dundurn Press, about what’s possible for city building, the environment, parks, housing and social equity in the face of these new challenges.

The panel includes City Councillor Josh Matlow, Devika Shah, Executive Director of Social Planning Toronto, and Tricia Wood, professor at York University, and will be moderated by journalist Royson James.

Register here.

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