Ken Greenberg

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Ryerson University Health Sciences


Ryerson University (RU) is a dynamic University at the forefront of post-secondary education in Ontario, located in Toronto, at the core of a vibrant urban centre. It is growing rapidly, both academically and physically with little available land of its own but with a commitment to mixed-use co-development as recommended in its Master Plan developed by a team co-led by Ken Greenberg. He was then engaged by Ryerson University along with Gladki Planning Associates to prepare a number of development options for a 130,000 square foot Health Sciences Building with additional mixed use potential for a number of possible sites and different combinations of uses evaluating site context, including surrounding uses, building heights, setbacks, patterns of development, approvals and regulations; fit with Ryerson's Master Plan; options for combining the health sciences building on each site with other uses (other academic spaces, student housing and possibly residential condominiums on the Church Street site); massing and height; relationship to the public realm including, street frontage and pedestrian comfort; opportunities for internal, on-site open spaces, walkways and passages; vehicular access and loading; parking; and light, view and privacy, particularly for residential buildings.