Ken Greenberg

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Currently, the Eastern Core at the east end of False Creek in Vancouver is characterized by a wide range of city-serving light industrial and transportation uses. The area lacks legibility, the public realm is poor, and the pedestrian, cycling, and vehicular movement system is somewhat discontinuous, in part because of the challenges posed by the presence of passenger and freight rail yards. The City aspires to set land use and transportation policy directions for the area that will, over time, facilitate its transformation into a vibrant green jobs and economy area, with an attractive public realm, that re-connects with the surrounding communities while respecting the light industrial and transportation function of the Eastern area. Ken Greenberg served on a Special Urban Design Team whose role is to advise staff on drafting comprehensive planning principles and policy directions for future, transportation and land use planning in the larger Eastern Core area and for the transformation of the highway viaducts leading east out of the downtown core.